MLC moto - making technology simple
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If you are looking for:

  • State of the art lift controller electronics for building your lift control panels
  • Lift controller panels, COPs, LOPs and other electrical parts with prewiring for easy installation in your elevators
  • Complete solutions for wide range of hydraulic and traction elevators, with or without machine room
  • Flexible solution for modernizations with ability of implementing specific requests
  • Remote Monitoring System for all your maintenance contracted elevators

then you are at the right place.


Making technology simple

We keep up our LC100 lift controller solution on the cutting edge of technology and yet simple for installing and maintaining, including but not limited to:

  • Principles of modular and flexible solution that make it possible to easily configure LC100 controller according to your needs for various types of elevators and equipment levels
  • Multilanguage support on controller terminals and remote monitoring mobile and desktop applications
  • Latest designed CAN communication technology using low current components
  • Internet connection enabled so it can be reached from any part of the world, using mobile or desktop application

Advanced elevator solutions

Our elevator solutions include advanced features like:
  • Destination control implemented with flexible and configurable algorithm in order to fulfill requests for different types of buildings
  • TFT displays in COP/LOP with configurable background pictures, signalization options and displayed information
  • Voice announcement with configurable voice files and signalization options
  • Sending push notifications to authorized persons mobile phones in case of lift failure in a real time (only few seconds after failure is detected)


image - Novi projekt istraživanja i razvoja - konferencija Dubrovnik
Novi projekt istraživanja i razvoja - konferencija Dubrovnik

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image - Novi projekt istraživanja i razvoja
Novi projekt istraživanja i razvoja

Tvrtka MLC ELECTRONIC d.o.o. provodi projekt „RAZVOJ PAMETNOG MODULARNOG SUSTAVA UPRAVLJANJA POGONOM DIZALA ZA POVEĆANJE ENERGETSKE UČINKOVITOSTI ZGRADE“ – KK. Projekt se provodi u sklopu Operativnog programa Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014. -2020., natječaja „Povećanje razv

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image -  Uspješno proveden projekt 2
Uspješno proveden projekt 2

Tvrtka MLC ELECTRONIC d.o.o. provodi projekt „UČINKOVITI SUSTAV S VIŠE DIZALA “ – KK. . Projekt se provodi u sklopu Operativnog programa Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014. -2020., natječaja „ INOVACIJSKI VAUČERI ZA MSP-ove” te se sufinancira iz Europskog fonda za regionalni r

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